Chinese translation for "field shifting"
- 字段移位
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Some 35 years on , reflectors placed on the lunar surface are still used by scientists interested in geophysics and geodesy ( for example , how the moon ' s gravitational field shifts over time ) 35年来,放置在月球表面的反射镜依然在使用,一些对地球物理学和测地学感兴趣的科学家用它们来研究月球的引力场如何随时间变化。 |
- Similar Words:
- "field shear box" Chinese translation, "field sheet" Chinese translation, "field shelling" Chinese translation, "field shield" Chinese translation, "field shift switch" Chinese translation, "field shooter" Chinese translation, "field shop" Chinese translation, "field shop maintenance" Chinese translation, "field shop repair semitrailer" Chinese translation, "field shredder" Chinese translation